Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Build a Solar Oven

How to Build a Solar Oven


What often comes to mind when you think of solar power? You may think of massive arrays of solar panels that are used to harness the energy from the sun. You could think of solar powered cars which are loaded with batteries and solar panels to power them (Learn how to choose a green car). But did you know that you can take solar energy, the energy from the sun, and use it to make your own solar oven that can actually cook food? Yes, you do not have to be a scientist to take advantage of the sun’s rays in your own backyard. All you need is a little ingenuity and a few simple materials.

How it Works

Because the sun is an amazing producer of heat for our planet, all you have to do to harness it is to build a simple device that will amplify the sun’s heat exactly where you want it to. This is the principal behind the solar oven – creating a device that will direct the heat from the sun’s rays to a specific machine. The machine or the solar oven in this case, can then cook a variety of foods at a temperature of around 200 degrees Fahrenheit depending on your location. Sure, the solar oven will not cook as hot or as fast as a regular oven, but it is far less expensive and perfect for outdoor lunchtime meals.


All you need for your solar oven is a pizza box, plastic wrap, aluminum foil (For other uses of aluminum foil, read 30 uncommon uses for aluminum foil), black construction paper, and tape or glue. You will also need a knife to cut a hole in the box and a stick to prop open the door on your solar oven.

Cutting the Lid

The first thing you need to do when building your solar oven is to cut a hole into the lid of the pizza box. Cut around three edges so that the lid can flap open, leaving about one inch of space around each edge. Do not cut the lid out completely. If you make a mistake though, and you did completely remove the lid, you can always tape one edge back to the box with heavy duty tape like duct tape. Also, since you are working with a sharp knife, always remember to cut away from you instead of towards you.

Building the Reflector

Once you have made your cuts, fold the flap out so that it can stand up on its own. You may need to use the stick to secure it in its position. Use your tape or glue and your aluminum foil to completely cover the inside of the lid (the part that is enclosed by the box when the lid is closed) with aluminum foil. This aluminum foil will reflect the sun’s rays into the box.

Make a Window

Now take your plastic wrap and create a window over the hole you cut in the box. Open the pizza box and flip it over so that you can look out through the hole. Lay your plastic wrap over the hold and tape it down so that it is nice and sturdy. Use the tape or glue generously so that no dirt or dust will be able to get into the box through this hole.

Heating Things Up

With the box still open, take your aluminum foil and line the inside of the box with it. You do not have to use tape, but make sure that the aluminum foil is securely placed for the best results. Now cover the aluminum foil with black construction paper, which will absorb the heat that is produced in your box. The combination of the heat reflective aluminum foil and the heat absorbent construction paper will create an oven atmosphere in your solar oven.

Time to Cook

To use your solar oven all you have to do is take it to a sunny spot and open the lid. You will need to adjust the lid’s opening so that the sunlight is reflected off the lid and into the plastic window. Once you have determined the proper angle, you can use a stick, a rock or some other object to prop open the lid to the proper position.

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