Friday, October 26, 2018

How to Make an Orange Julius Original Orange - Secret Recipe Revealed

How to Make an Orange Julius Original Orange
 - Secret Recipe Revealed


1¼ cups pulp-free orange juice
½ cup water 6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon dried egg whites
2½ cups ice

Step 1: Combine the orange juice, water, sugar, and vanilla in a blender.

Step 2: Blend on high speed for 30 seconds or until the sugar has dissolved.

Step 3: Add the dried egg whites and ice and blend for 15 to 20 seconds or until the ice is crushed and the drink is frothy. Pour into two 16-ounce glasses and serve with straws.

 You can use 2 tablespoons pasteurized egg whites or Egg Beaters if you can’t find dried egg whites. Measure it into the blender along with the ice.

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