Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to Make Laundry Detergent

How to Make Laundry Detergent

The laundry detergent, used in conjunction with a washing machine, is an effective product for cleaning fabrics. The specially formulated substance removes stains, dirt and sometimes discolorations from your clothes. Some products even soften fabrics, making them more comfortable to wear. Beneficial as the detergent is, many of the products sold commercially are quite expensive. For the price of a little effort, you can create a cheaper yet just as effective version of the laundry detergent.

Making laundry detergent is simple. All you need to do is mix the right ingredients and you’ll eventually end up with a perfectly usable detergent. If you get the right quantity per component, you’ll get an item that can rival any of the market leaders, for less than half of the price. You even have the option to make your detergent environmentally-friendly. Now that’s a good deal.
3 Ways to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent

Homemade laundry detergent can be made in three different ways. Each of them has its advantages, so pick according to your washing needs.
Soap Bar-Based Laundry Detergent
Water Softener-Based Laundry Detergent
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

The soap bar-based laundry detergent is effective and simple to create. The water softener-based version, on the other hand, uses cheap materials and doesn’t produce suds, which can damage old and low-quality washing machines. As for the eco-friendly detergent, it can remove stains from your clothes, without sacrificing the environment in the process.
Soap Bar-Based Laundry Detergent

Soap bars are known moisturizers, which clean and soften skin. Remarkably, some of them also work well with fabrics. They, when used as a detergent, can remove stains and dirt. By boosting their formulations with sodium carbonate and borax, these items work just as well as good quality laundry detergents. Not all bath soaps can be used. The only ones qualified are Ivory, Fels Naptha or any other soap with a similar formulation.

Materials Used:

1 soap bar
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup sodium carbonate
plastic container with cover
mixing bowl
Purchase the soap bar from any health and beauty store, preferably Ivory or Fels Naptha.
Cut the soap into small pieces.
Run the pieces through the grater.
Pour borax, the washing soda and the soap shavings into the mixing bowl. Stir the bowl’s contents thoroughly.
Once done, pour the soap-based laundry detergent in the plastic container.
Store the container in a cool, dry place, when not using the detergent.

If you’re wondering what sodium carbonate is, it is known in the market as washing soda or soda ash. It can be found in the laundry products section of the supermarket, some drug stores and convenience stores.
Water Softener-Based Laundry Detergent

This type of detergent, containing water softener, holds a distinct advantage over its other counterparts, in terms of cleaning efficiency. The solution reduces water’s mineral content, paving the way for the detergent to clean fabrics thoroughly. Though, water softeners are known water pollutants, so be careful when disposing used laundry water.
Materials Used:
1/2 cup water softener
1 1/2 cups sodium carbonate (washing soda)
1 cup borax
2 drops Lavender oil
mixing bowl
plastic container with cover
Pour the water softener, sodium carbonate and borax in a mixing bowl. Stir the mixture until all three ingredients blend.
Add the lavender oil then once again, stir the mixture.
Place the newly formed laundry detergent in the plastic container.

A peculiar thing about the water softener-based laundry detergent is, it does not produce suds. It stays in its original form, as it cleans your clothes. This characteristic makes the detergent versatile, since some washers get damaged if constantly subjected to soap suds. In addition, it is also the easiest to create among the three homemade detergent types, making it a popular choice.
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

Unlike its water softener-based counterpart, the eco-friendly detergent does not sacrifice the environment for added cleaning efficiency. It, instead, uses a collection of natural or environmentally harmless ingredients. The formulation is potent enough to rival the best items on the market, which is why this homemade detergent is gaining popularity on the market. The catch is, it is a bit trickier to prepare than the other two detergent types.
Materials Used:
2 oz natural soap
1/2 cup sodium carbonate
1/2 cup borax
3 pints tap water
1 bucket hot water
water bucket
containers with lids
Grate the soap and place the shavings in a saucepan.
Add the tap water. Mix the ingredients until the soap melts, forming a solution.
Toss in the sodium carbonate and borax. Stir the solution until it thickens.
Once done, remove the pan from the oven and let the solution cool for awhile.
Take one quart from the bucket of hot water and pour it in the empty water bucket.
Pour the saucepan’s contents in the bucket. Mix the solution well.
Upon mixing, fill the bucket with hot water.
Mix the solution thoroughly then let it settle for about 24 hours.
Pour the detergent in the containers. Make sure that they are covered when not using the detergent.

If you want to add a refreshing scent to the detergent, you can add and mix about 60 drops of lavender oil in step 6. The essential oil will make the laundry solution smell as fragrant as a well-scented bath soap. The problem is, lavender oil is not exactly an eco-friendly material, so you must choose between total fragrance and ease of disposal.

Here is a bird’s eye view on how to make laundry detergent.

The Lowdown

Judging the best among the three homemade detergent types is not easy, but the soap-based detergent appears to be the most versatile option. Most of its components are readily available and it is pretty easy to create. All of its ingredients are also cheap, since you can buy all of them using merely spare change. Of course, the other two types aren’t far when it comes to versatility, so feel free to make any of them.
Feel at Home with a Homemade Detergent

You can depend on the laundry detergent for removing the toughest stains and protecting your clothes from germs and bacteria. Purchasing one on the market is not a bad idea, but why pay, when you can create your own? Make a homemade laundry detergent and you can toss the term “laundry expenses” along with the stains and dirt that the cleaning solution removes.
Watch The Video

Making Homemade Laundry Detergent

How To Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

How to Make Laundry Soap

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