Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How To Make A Wooden Cup With A Lid

Picture of How To Make A Wooden Cup With A Lid
For this you will need six 11" long 1x6s and a wood lathe
Remember to vote for this in the contests if you liked it and look at my other contest entries and vote for them too if you enjoyed them

Step 1: A Bit Sticky

Picture of A Bit Sticky
Start by gluing the six boards together like in the picture above when you are done cut a bit off of each side to ensure they are even

Step 2: Getting It Set

Picture of Getting It Set
When the glue is dry draw an x from corner to corner and screw in the centred on the x jig to screw to the chuck of the lathe

Step 3: Starting It Off

Picture of Starting It Off
Put it on the lathe and start carving in your design, it can be just a simple straight up and down cup or an intercut design

Step 4: Carving It Out

Picture of Carving It Out
When you have got the outside the way you want it you can start carving out the inside like the picture above

Step 5: When You're Done

Picture of When You're Done
When you have crafted a masterpiece you are ready to cut it off. You can sand it on the lathe on the fastest speed and then you can cut it off. You can do it by hand or a band saw but the most precise way to do it is on the lathe with the tool I was using in the picture if you do it on the lathe only cut it till there is 0.5" in diameter there then finish it off with a hand saw and sand the bottom of it

Step 6: Style It The Way You Want

Picture of Style It The Way You Want
When it is cut off you can varnish it, paint it or just put some polycarbonate on it

Step 7: To The Top Of Things

Picture of To The Top Of Things
To make the lid use the left over wood you should only need like 1.5" but you should have plenty extra

Step 8: Starting The Lid

Picture of Starting The Lid
photo-2014-04-09, 7:48 PM.jpg

Start by carving the top of the lid near the chuck of the lathe, the design I am using is just a standard flat lid

Step 9: Making It Fit

Picture of Making It Fit
photo-2014-04-09, 7:48 PM.jpg
Once you have got the design of the lid done the way you want you can move down to the edge a bit and start making a straight line (do not design it) this will be the part that goes into the cup so it has to be a sudden edge so it doesn't fall through as in the picture above make sure to make it small enough to go in smoothly without pressure, but not too small so that it doesn't rattle.

Step 10: Smoothing It

Picture of Smoothing It
After you have engraved it to the point that it fits you can turn the lathe to the highest speed and start sanding it use very fine grit to get it extremely smooth.

Step 11: Cutting It Off

Picture of Cutting It Off
photo-2014-04-09, 7:49 PM.jpg
When it is smooth as you want it begin to cut it off just like you did with the cup (remember to only go until there is 0.5" in diameter left then cut it off with a saw.) When you have cut it off you will need to sand that part

Step 12: Varnishing

Picture of Varnishing
When it is cut off and smooth you can varnish it or just put a layer of polycarbonate on it.

Step 13: Your Done!

Picture of Your Done!
photo-2014-04-09, 7:49 PM.jpg
Put the lid on your cup with all the things you want to fill it with and enjoy!

Step 14: Vote Comment And Follow

Picture of Vote Comment And Follow
Remember to vote for this in the wood working contest if you liked it also tell me what you guys want me to do next in the comments hope you guys liked my instructable!
Thanks for following!
By the way I will be doing a giveaway of a three month pro membership! You can win simply just by following me. On May 1st I will put all my followers names in a hat and draw a name. I will then make an instructable just for that and will expect the winner to be tuning in so he/she can claim their prize!
Until next time...

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