Monday, November 12, 2018

How to Make Incredibly Soft Homemade Donuts

How to Make Incredibly Soft Homemade Donuts

If you are looking for a sweet tasting yet incredibly easy donut recipe to make, then this is the perfect dish for you. Easy to make and incredibly moist, this is one donut dish that you will want to make over and over again.
Makes: 24 Servings
Total Prep Time: 3 Hours

Ingredients for Your Dough:
• 2 ½ Cups of Flour, All Purpose Variety
• 4 Tbsp. of Sugar, White in Color
• 3 Tbsp. of Butter, Soft
• ½ tsp. of Salt, For Taste
• ½ Cup of Milk, Whole
• 1 Egg, Large in Size and Beaten Lightly
• 2 tsp. of Yeast, Active and Dry Variety
• ½ Cup of Tangzhong
• Some Oil, For Frying

Ingredients for Your Tangzhong:
• 1/3 Cup of Flour, All Purpose Variety
• 1 Cup of Water, Warm

Ingredients for Your Glaze:
• 3 Cups of Sugar, Powdered Variety
• ½ Cup of Milk, Whole
• 4 tsp. of Vanilla, Pure


Step 1: The first thing that you will want to do is make your Tangzhong. To do this, add your flour and at least one cup of water into a small sized saucepan placed over medium heat. Cook until it is thick in consistency. Remove and set aside to cool completely.
Step 1: Then add in all of your ingredients for your dough into a large sized bowl. Stir thoroughly for at least five minutes or until your dough begins to forms.

Step 2: Cover your dough with a sheet of plastic and allow to rise in a warm area for the next 45 minutes. After this time punch your dough down and allow to rise for a second time for the next 30 to 45 minutes.

Step 3: After this time place your dough onto a flat surface and roll it out until it is at least a quarter inch in thickness. Cut your dough into donut shapes with the donut holes. And set aside to rise for another hour.

Step 4: After this time heat up your oil over high heat in a large sized pot. You want to make sure that your oil reaches 350 degrees.

 Step 5: While your oil is heating up make your glaze. To do this place all of your ingredients for your glaze into a small sized bowl. Whisk on the highest setting until evenly mixed.

Step 6: Once your oil is hot enough add in your donuts and fry for the next 30 to 45 seconds on each side or until your donuts are golden brown in color. Remove and set on a plate lined with paper towels to drain.

Step 7: Once slightly cool dip in your glaze on both sides and place on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper to dry. Enjoy whenever you are ready are ready.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

How to Make Your Own Perfume at Home

How to Make Your Own Perfume at Home

When making home made perfumes, there are 3 main ingredients which you will need, and these are:

1.           Essential Oils
2.           Water
3.           Alcohol

Many of these items can be either obtained from a store that specializes in such ingredients, or over the internet. 

You will also need a large saucepan, large bowl (for mixing all the ingredients together), spoon and some measuring cups or jugs to make perfume at home.

Provided below, are a few easy recipes that you should be able to produce at home without too much hassle.

1.  Basic Recipe
All you need for this recipe is some water, chopped flower blossoms (use lilac or lavender if blossoms unavailable). 

Place the flower blossoms in a bowl, add the water and then cover them and leave them overnight.  The next day, the solution can be put into small bottles and sprayed either into the air or on to your skin.

2.  Amaze
For this, you will need some distilled water, vodka, hypericum perforatum, cypress and rosemary (all of which are essential oils).  They should then be mixed together and stored overnight.

After a period of 12 hours or more, the solution produced can be put into a dark spray bottle to be used.  Using a dark colored bottle will help the solution to remain fresh, which will be felt by the person using it when they apply it to their skin.

3.  Whispering Rain
This is another recipe that may be worth trying out.  Again, you will need distilled water, some vodka, Sandalwood, Bergamot and Cassis essential oils (which can also be purchased as fragrance oils).

These ingredients should be stirred together and then stored overnight in a covered container. Then, the next day, it can be transferred to a dark colored bottle.  This perfume must be kept in a cool place so that it does not dry up.

The three perfumes above normally last for about a month before they lose their scent and the next recipe should produce something a bit better.

For this recipe, you will need fragrance oils such as Sandalwood, Cedar Wood, Bergamot, Vodka and a little touch of Vanilla.  All these ingredients should be put into a jar and then shaken.  It should then be put in a cool place and left for a week.  After this time, you can then transfer the mixture into small perfume bottles.

If you would like to learn more about recipes for making your own perfume, you could always do a search of the internet. I also recommend visiting your local bookstore, where they will have books on the subject.

It is important to remember that these types of perfume recipes only have a shelf life of a month, therefore you will need to make new batches every few weeks.

Friday, October 26, 2018

How to Make a Hostess Cupcakes - Secret Recipe Revealed

How to Make a Hostess Cupcakes
Secret Recipe Revealed

1 cup hot water
2 ounces (⅔ cup) unsweetened cocoa
6 ounces (1 cup plus 3 tablespoons) all-purpose flour
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¾ teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1½ cups granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 teaspoons vanilla extract
½ teaspoon water
⅛ teaspoon salt
1 7-ounce jar marshmallow crème
½ cup shortening
2 ounces (½ cup) powdered sugar

½ cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted
4 ounces (1 cup) powdered sugar
1 ounce (⅓ cup) unsweetened cocoa
2 tablespoons heavy cream
⅛ teaspoon salt

4½ ounces (1½ cups) powdered sugar
2 tablespoons shortening
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon milk
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Step 2: Spray 12 cups of a standard-size muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray and add a circle of parchment paper to the bottom of each cup.

Step 3: Make the cakes by pouring the hot water over the cocoa in a medium bowl. Use a whisk to combine until smooth, and then set the cocoa aside to cool.

Step 4: Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt in another medium bowl.

Step 5: Use an electric mixer on medium speed to mix the eggs with the sugar and vanilla in a large bowl for 1 minute. Mix in the oil.

Step 6: Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and mix well with an electric mixer on high speed until smooth. Add the cocoa and mix well. Pour ⅓ cup of batter into each cup (fill about three quarters up) and bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until cooked through. Cool.

Step 7: While the cupcakes cool, make the crème filling by combining the vanilla, water, and salt in a small bowl. Stir until most of the salt is dissolved. Mix the marshmallow crème, shortening, and powdered sugar together in a large bowl using an electric mixer on high speed. Add the vanilla/salt solution and mix for 1 minute. Set aside.

Step 8: Make the frosting by combining the melted butter, powdered sugar, cocoa, cream, and salt in a medium bowl with an electric mixer on high speed. Let it sit to cool until it is a medium consistency —not too runny, not too thick—that will stick to the cupcakes when they are dipped into it.

Step 9: Make the white icing by combining all of the ingredients with an electric mixer in a medium bowl for 1 minute.

Step 10: When the cupcakes are cool, load the filling into a piping bag or pastry gun with a medium round tip, and the icing into a piping bag or pastry gun with a small round tip.

Step 11: Slice the top off of each cupcake so that they are flat on top, then use the blunt end of a skewer
or the tip of a chopstick to poke down through the top of each cupcake and swirl it around inside to
make some space for the filling. Pipe some filling into the center of each cupcake.

Step 12: Dip the filled cupcakes upside-down into the chocolate frosting so that just the tops are frosted. Set the cupcakes aside to cool for about 10 minutes, then give each cupcake a second coat. Use a knife to smooth out the frosting if needed. If the frosting becomes too thick, microwave it on high for 15 seconds to loosen it up.

Finally, when the frosting on top of the cupcakes is cool, pipe a line of 7 loops onto the top of each cupcake

How to Make an Orange Julius Original Orange - Secret Recipe Revealed

How to Make an Orange Julius Original Orange
 - Secret Recipe Revealed


1¼ cups pulp-free orange juice
½ cup water 6 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon dried egg whites
2½ cups ice

Step 1: Combine the orange juice, water, sugar, and vanilla in a blender.

Step 2: Blend on high speed for 30 seconds or until the sugar has dissolved.

Step 3: Add the dried egg whites and ice and blend for 15 to 20 seconds or until the ice is crushed and the drink is frothy. Pour into two 16-ounce glasses and serve with straws.

 You can use 2 tablespoons pasteurized egg whites or Egg Beaters if you can’t find dried egg whites. Measure it into the blender along with the ice.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to Make a Great Conversation with a Small Talk

How to Make a Great Conversation with a Small Talk

The best conversationalists in this world are the best listeners NOT the best talkers.In fact, the person who says the least is often the best communicator yet you are there racking your brains thinking of things to say all of the time!

This is the BEST tip I could ever give you if you want to be an excellent communicator:


When you become an expert listener is means that the other person is doing most of the talking, with only one thing on your mind – THEM.

To build up rapport and to engage in a conversation ask questions and be intrigued about the other person not you.

You let them do most of the talking and by doing this they will think that you walk on water and will in turn ask about you and that’s when YOU talk!

It is important to understand what other people like to talk to about.


People love to talk about themselves.
Get them to talk about their favorite subject – THEMSELVES!
“What are YOU currently doing career wise?”
“Do YOU enjoy it?”
“Tell me about this…..”
“I hear YOU have been doing this……”


People love to air their opinions on anything and everything.

Ask these questions as well and your new friend could be talking for hours!

“What do you think of the way they have played this year?”
“What is your opinion on that thing?”
“What do you think of this programme?”


People love to talk about other people.
Some people call this gossip; other just call it talking about other people!
“What do you think of abc person?”


Next on the pecking order is talking about things.
No matter what it is your friend will have an opinion on it.
“I love YOUR car, how long have YOU had it?”
“What do YOU think of this widget?”
“I love YOUR jacket, where did you get it from?

5. YOU!

It’s a horrible thing to say but the last thing people want to talk about is
Keep the conversation centered around the other person until they ask
about you and then it is your turn.
To keep their full attention wait until they have finished talking about
themselves and they have asked you a question.
Then you can talk.
When you do talk however, link it into what the other person has already
said and you will really be making magical rapport.


Don’t worry about what to say just go into each conversation with the
other person in mind.
Listen and ask questions about the other person.
Then ask some more questions!
Think about “YOU” instead of “I”
Talk about the other person’s favorite 5 subjects in order!
Don’t talk about yourself until the other person asks
Have fun!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How to Make a Burger King Stuffed Steakhouse – Secret Recipe Reveled

How to Make a Burger King Stuffed Steakhouse – Secret Recipe Reveled

1 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons minced fresh poblano (pasillo) chile pepper
2 tablespoons ketchup
¾ teaspoon ground chipotle chile pepper
½ teaspoon lime juice
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground cumin

2 medium jalapeños, seeded and finely diced (about ¼ cup)
3 ounces medium cheddar cheese, finely diced (about ⅓ cup)
1 pound ground beef
Ground black pepper
4 kaiser rolls or corn-dusted buns
8 tomato slices
4 iceberg lettuce leaves, coarsely chopped

Step 1: Make the creamy poblano sauce by adding all of the ingredients to a small food processor or a blender. Process on high until the poblano pepper is barely visible. Spoon the sauce into a covered container and refrigerate it until needed.

Step 2: Use your hands to mix the finely diced jalapeños and cheddar cheese with the ground beef.Divide the beef into 4 equal portions, roll each into a ball, and press onto a wax paper–lined baking sheet into the shape of patties that are slightly larger than the diameter of your buns. Lay another sheet of wax paper on top of the patties and freeze the patties for at least 2 hours.

Step 3: When the beef patties are frozen, preheat your barbecue grill or indoor grill to high heat. Cook the beef patties for 3 to 4 minutes per side or until done. Lightly salt and pepper the patties when you drop them onto the grill.

Step 4: While your patties cook, preheat an indoor griddle or skillet to medium/high heat and brown the faces of the top and bottom buns.

Step 5: Spread a generous portion of the poblano sauce on the face of the top buns.

Step 6:When the beef is cooked, place each patty on the bottom buns.

Step 7:Add two tomato slices on top of each beef patty, followed by a handful of chopped lettuce.

Step 8:Flip the top bun over onto the burger and serve.

How to Make a Waffle House Waffles – Secret Recipe Revealed

How to Make a Waffle House Waffles – Secret Recipe Revealed

Things You Need
1 large egg
½ cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup half-and-half
¼ cup buttermilk
2 tablespoons shortening, melted
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
8 ounces (1⅔ cups) all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon baking soda
Nonstick spray

Maple Syrup

Step 1: Combine the egg, sugar, salt, and vanilla in large bowl with an electric mixer on high speed for 1 minute.

Step 2: Add the half-and-half, buttermilk, shortening, and butter and mix well.

Step 3: In a separate medium bowl, combine the flour with the baking soda. Add the flour to the wet mixture and mix well with the mixer. Cover and chill the batter overnight for the best results, or you can use it right away if you like.

Step 4: When you are ready to make the waffles, preheat a waffle iron. Spray the waffle iron with a little nonstick cooking spray, then spoon ⅓ cup to ½ cup of batter (depending the on the size of your waffle iron) onto the center of the waffle iron.

Step 5: Cook the waffles for 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with a pat of butter on top and maple syrup on the side.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to Make KFC Original Recipe Fried Chicken - Secret Recipe Revealed

How to Make KFC Original Recipe Fried Chicken
Secret Recipe Revealed

⅓ cup salt
1 tablespoon MSG (such as Accent seasoning)
8 cups water
1 whole roaster chicken (4 to 5 pounds), cut into 8 pieces
6 to 12 cups vegetable oil

9 ounces (1¾ cups) all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon MSG
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons ground tellicherry pepper
½ teaspoon ground white pepper
½ teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon ground savory
½ teaspoon ground sage
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon ground marjoram
¼ teaspoon onion powder
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
⅛ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

4 large eggs
2 cups skim milk

Step 1: To make the brine, dissolve the salt and MSG in the water. Add the chicken pieces and marinate for 3 hours. Remove the chicken from the brine, rinse with water, and blot dry.

Step 2: Heat the oil in a deep fryer to 300 degrees F.

Step 3: Make the breading by combining all of the ingredients in a large bowl.

Step 4: In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and then stir in the milk.   

Step 5: When the oil is hot, dip each piece of chicken in the egg and milk mixture and then press into the breading. Toss each chicken piece in the breading until well coated. Let the chicken sit for 5 minutes in the breading, gently tossing every minute or two to ensure a good coating. Gently shake off the excess breading and fry 2 to 4 pieces at a time (or whatever your fryer can hold) for 16 to 20 minutes or until the chicken is golden brown. Drain the fried chicken on a rack for at least 5 minutes before serving.

If you want to keep the chicken warm until every piece is cooked so that you can serve it all at once, place the fried pieces on a rack on a baking sheet and keep them in your oven set to 200 degrees F.