Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to Make a Great Conversation with a Small Talk

How to Make a Great Conversation with a Small Talk

The best conversationalists in this world are the best listeners NOT the best talkers.In fact, the person who says the least is often the best communicator yet you are there racking your brains thinking of things to say all of the time!

This is the BEST tip I could ever give you if you want to be an excellent communicator:


When you become an expert listener is means that the other person is doing most of the talking, with only one thing on your mind – THEM.

To build up rapport and to engage in a conversation ask questions and be intrigued about the other person not you.

You let them do most of the talking and by doing this they will think that you walk on water and will in turn ask about you and that’s when YOU talk!

It is important to understand what other people like to talk to about.


People love to talk about themselves.
Get them to talk about their favorite subject – THEMSELVES!
“What are YOU currently doing career wise?”
“Do YOU enjoy it?”
“Tell me about this…..”
“I hear YOU have been doing this……”


People love to air their opinions on anything and everything.

Ask these questions as well and your new friend could be talking for hours!

“What do you think of the way they have played this year?”
“What is your opinion on that thing?”
“What do you think of this programme?”


People love to talk about other people.
Some people call this gossip; other just call it talking about other people!
“What do you think of abc person?”


Next on the pecking order is talking about things.
No matter what it is your friend will have an opinion on it.
“I love YOUR car, how long have YOU had it?”
“What do YOU think of this widget?”
“I love YOUR jacket, where did you get it from?

5. YOU!

It’s a horrible thing to say but the last thing people want to talk about is
Keep the conversation centered around the other person until they ask
about you and then it is your turn.
To keep their full attention wait until they have finished talking about
themselves and they have asked you a question.
Then you can talk.
When you do talk however, link it into what the other person has already
said and you will really be making magical rapport.


Don’t worry about what to say just go into each conversation with the
other person in mind.
Listen and ask questions about the other person.
Then ask some more questions!
Think about “YOU” instead of “I”
Talk about the other person’s favorite 5 subjects in order!
Don’t talk about yourself until the other person asks
Have fun!

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