Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Make a Christmas Cake

How to Make a Christmas Cake

Christmas is just a few weeks away. Grace your Christmas table with a traditional home-made fruitcake. Here are the steps to make a Christmas cake.

For the Fruit Mix
450 grams currants
175 grams sultanas
175 grams raisins
50 grams chopped glacé cherries
50 grams chopped mixed candied peel
For the Cake
225 grams unsalted butter
225 grams soft brown sugar
2 tablespoon black treacle
1 tablespoon marmalade
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
4 big eggs
225 grams plain flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground mixed spice
50 grams chooped almonds
Things You’ll Need:
Cake tin
Tea cloth
Baking parchment
Brown paper

For the Fruit Mix

Put the fruit mix in a large bowl.
Add 3-4 tablespoons of brandy. If you don’t like to use brandy, you can substitute this with orange juice.
Place the tea cloth over the bowl. Let the fruit mix soak in brandy or juice over night or for 12 hours.
For the Flour Mix

After 12 hours, prepare the butter and flour mix.
Sift the flour and add a dash of salt.
Put half a teaspoon of spice and half a teaspoon of cinnamon.
For the Butter
Cream the unsalted butter and soft brown sugar together.
Add in 2 tablespoons of black treacle, a tablespoon of marmalade and a quarter of a teaspoon of vanilla.
Continue mixing until it becomes fluffy.


After preparing the butter mixture, lightly beat the eggs in a separate bowl.
Add the beaten eggs to the butter mixture a teaspoonful at a time. Doing this will prevent the mixture from incorporating air and avoid having a finished product that is a bit heavier than what you really want to achieve.
Add the flour mixture into the butter mixture.
Fold well to blend the 2 mixtures together.
Add the soaked fruits in.
Add the chopped almonds.
Mix well.
Grease the sides of the inner part of the tin.
Cover the insides with a baking parchment.
Wrap the tin in brown paper. This would protect the cake during baking.

Preheat the oven. Some people preheat their ovens to 150° Celsius (300° Fahrenheit) or gas mark 2 while others preheat their ovens to 140° Celsius (275° Fahrenheit) or gas mark 1. You can use either temperature. If you’re a beginner, try preheating your oven to gas mark 1.
Carefully transfer the mixture into the tin. Remember not to fill the tin so much.
Place the cake tin on the lowest shelf of your oven.
Bake the cake for about 3 to 4 hours.
After 3 hours, check if your cake is ready by sticking a skewer into the cake. If it comes out clean, you can already remove the cake from the oven. If not, bake it for another hour.
Check the cake every 20 minutes until it’s done.
Let the cake cool inside the tin for a quarter of an hour.
After 15 minutes, remove the cake from the tin and place it on a wire rack.
Let the cake cool completely.
Once the cake has cooled completely, use a skewer to make some holes in the cake.
Pour 3-4 tablespoons of brandy or orange liquer. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the cake.
Use a foil to wrap the cake.
Place the cake in an airtight container.

You can decorate your cake in any way you want. One way of decorating your fruit cake is by covering it with frosting. This will not only make your cake look nicer but will also add more flavor to your cake.

Things You’ll Need

A cup of powdered Sugar
1 to 3 tablespoons of Milk.
Spoon for mixing
Put the powdered sugar in a bowl
Add the milk and stir.
If the mixture is too thin add more sugar. If it’s too thick, add more milk.
Put the mixture in the refrigerator for about an hour.
You can add vanilla for flavor if you want to.
When the cake is totally cool, spread the frosting on the cake.
You can make swirls or leave the surface smooth if you want to add more cake decorations.
Frosting Tips
Lightly brush off crumbs on the cake before spreading your frosting.
You can make colored frosting by dipping a toothpick in a coloring and swirling it in the white mixture.
Make sure that the consistency of the frosting is not affected when you add food coloring.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to Make Laundry Detergent

How to Make Laundry Detergent

The laundry detergent, used in conjunction with a washing machine, is an effective product for cleaning fabrics. The specially formulated substance removes stains, dirt and sometimes discolorations from your clothes. Some products even soften fabrics, making them more comfortable to wear. Beneficial as the detergent is, many of the products sold commercially are quite expensive. For the price of a little effort, you can create a cheaper yet just as effective version of the laundry detergent.

Making laundry detergent is simple. All you need to do is mix the right ingredients and you’ll eventually end up with a perfectly usable detergent. If you get the right quantity per component, you’ll get an item that can rival any of the market leaders, for less than half of the price. You even have the option to make your detergent environmentally-friendly. Now that’s a good deal.
3 Ways to Make Homemade Laundry Detergent

Homemade laundry detergent can be made in three different ways. Each of them has its advantages, so pick according to your washing needs.
Soap Bar-Based Laundry Detergent
Water Softener-Based Laundry Detergent
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

The soap bar-based laundry detergent is effective and simple to create. The water softener-based version, on the other hand, uses cheap materials and doesn’t produce suds, which can damage old and low-quality washing machines. As for the eco-friendly detergent, it can remove stains from your clothes, without sacrificing the environment in the process.
Soap Bar-Based Laundry Detergent

Soap bars are known moisturizers, which clean and soften skin. Remarkably, some of them also work well with fabrics. They, when used as a detergent, can remove stains and dirt. By boosting their formulations with sodium carbonate and borax, these items work just as well as good quality laundry detergents. Not all bath soaps can be used. The only ones qualified are Ivory, Fels Naptha or any other soap with a similar formulation.

Materials Used:

1 soap bar
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup sodium carbonate
plastic container with cover
mixing bowl
Purchase the soap bar from any health and beauty store, preferably Ivory or Fels Naptha.
Cut the soap into small pieces.
Run the pieces through the grater.
Pour borax, the washing soda and the soap shavings into the mixing bowl. Stir the bowl’s contents thoroughly.
Once done, pour the soap-based laundry detergent in the plastic container.
Store the container in a cool, dry place, when not using the detergent.

If you’re wondering what sodium carbonate is, it is known in the market as washing soda or soda ash. It can be found in the laundry products section of the supermarket, some drug stores and convenience stores.
Water Softener-Based Laundry Detergent

This type of detergent, containing water softener, holds a distinct advantage over its other counterparts, in terms of cleaning efficiency. The solution reduces water’s mineral content, paving the way for the detergent to clean fabrics thoroughly. Though, water softeners are known water pollutants, so be careful when disposing used laundry water.
Materials Used:
1/2 cup water softener
1 1/2 cups sodium carbonate (washing soda)
1 cup borax
2 drops Lavender oil
mixing bowl
plastic container with cover
Pour the water softener, sodium carbonate and borax in a mixing bowl. Stir the mixture until all three ingredients blend.
Add the lavender oil then once again, stir the mixture.
Place the newly formed laundry detergent in the plastic container.

A peculiar thing about the water softener-based laundry detergent is, it does not produce suds. It stays in its original form, as it cleans your clothes. This characteristic makes the detergent versatile, since some washers get damaged if constantly subjected to soap suds. In addition, it is also the easiest to create among the three homemade detergent types, making it a popular choice.
Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent

Unlike its water softener-based counterpart, the eco-friendly detergent does not sacrifice the environment for added cleaning efficiency. It, instead, uses a collection of natural or environmentally harmless ingredients. The formulation is potent enough to rival the best items on the market, which is why this homemade detergent is gaining popularity on the market. The catch is, it is a bit trickier to prepare than the other two detergent types.
Materials Used:
2 oz natural soap
1/2 cup sodium carbonate
1/2 cup borax
3 pints tap water
1 bucket hot water
water bucket
containers with lids
Grate the soap and place the shavings in a saucepan.
Add the tap water. Mix the ingredients until the soap melts, forming a solution.
Toss in the sodium carbonate and borax. Stir the solution until it thickens.
Once done, remove the pan from the oven and let the solution cool for awhile.
Take one quart from the bucket of hot water and pour it in the empty water bucket.
Pour the saucepan’s contents in the bucket. Mix the solution well.
Upon mixing, fill the bucket with hot water.
Mix the solution thoroughly then let it settle for about 24 hours.
Pour the detergent in the containers. Make sure that they are covered when not using the detergent.

If you want to add a refreshing scent to the detergent, you can add and mix about 60 drops of lavender oil in step 6. The essential oil will make the laundry solution smell as fragrant as a well-scented bath soap. The problem is, lavender oil is not exactly an eco-friendly material, so you must choose between total fragrance and ease of disposal.

Here is a bird’s eye view on how to make laundry detergent.

The Lowdown

Judging the best among the three homemade detergent types is not easy, but the soap-based detergent appears to be the most versatile option. Most of its components are readily available and it is pretty easy to create. All of its ingredients are also cheap, since you can buy all of them using merely spare change. Of course, the other two types aren’t far when it comes to versatility, so feel free to make any of them.
Feel at Home with a Homemade Detergent

You can depend on the laundry detergent for removing the toughest stains and protecting your clothes from germs and bacteria. Purchasing one on the market is not a bad idea, but why pay, when you can create your own? Make a homemade laundry detergent and you can toss the term “laundry expenses” along with the stains and dirt that the cleaning solution removes.
Watch The Video

Making Homemade Laundry Detergent

How To Make Your Own Laundry Detergent

How to Make Laundry Soap

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to Make Profiteroles dessert

How to Make Profiteroles Dessert

Profiteroles are a delicious dessert that are slowly becoming popular again. They are small little pastries with a crunchy exterior, a chewy exterior with a cream filling and a chocolate shell to boot. They can be combined to make profiterole towers, an attractive alternative to cakes. Sound like a challenge you’d like to take on? Here’s how to make the three elements that make a profiterole: The choux pastry, the chantilly cream and the chocolate shell. The recipe makes 32 pieces of profiteroles

Choux Pastry

Choux pastry is the most essential part of a profiterole. You may not be able to make it right the first time around, but you will after a few tweaks and practices.


185 ml water
75 g unsalted butter
100 g plain flour
3 large eggs
Pinch of salt
In a sauce pan, mix water, butter and salt. Put on low to medium heat and heat until the butter melts. Bring to a simmer, and once you’ve reached that simmer, remove from the heat.
Slowly add in the flour to the mixture using a wooden spatula. Once you’ve put all the flour in, beat the dough vigorously (Tips on how to knead dough). What will start out as a crumbly texture will eventually form into a smooth ball.
Put the pan back on to low heat and continue to vigorously beat it for around 30 seconds, enough to dry out the dough. Take the dough off the heat and put it in another separate bowl. Leave to cool until slightly tepid.
Pre-heat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
Put the dough in a mixer and use a whisk attachment to beat in one egg at a time. Mix until just combined. Do not overmix. Put aside a tablespoon of egg white for glazing later.
Put the pastry dough in a piping bag.
On a baking sheet, put a sheet of baking parchment on top. Pipe a glob of dough about 2.5 cm across and 1.5 cm high on the parchment paper. Space two inches between each dough blob.
Bake for 15-20 minutes. Take out and insert a toothpick in the side to let out steam. Brush egg white on the top and pop back in the oven for another three minutes for a shiny finish.
Let cool. Once cooled, use a bread knife to make “caps” by slicing into the upper 1/3 of the pastry, but not removing it entirely. Leave a bit to keep the cap on. Put aside.

The hard part’s over! Let’s move on to what makes profiteroles even more special: The cream filling and the chocolate shell.
Creme Chantilly Filling
200 ml double cream, chilled
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence


Creme chantilly filling is very flexible. To make your chantilly filling even more special, add some crushed berries like raspberries, strawberries or blueberries for a more colorful profiterole.
Clear some room in your refrigerator to enable to fit a food mixer.
Using a whisk attachment, whisk your cream until soft peaks form.
Once the soft peaks form, add the sugar and vanilla. Whisk until stiff peaks form.
Transfer the filling to another bowl, and chill some more until ready to use.

Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate sauce is always an additional delight to a profiterole, but you can easily enjoy your pastry without it. You can also use a shortcut in the form of Hershey Chocolate Shell, which instantly hardens to a chocolate shell once applied to food.


1 x 10 g dark chocolate, 70% chocolate
25 g unsalted butter
2 tablespoons icing sugar
100 ml water
Break the chocolate bar into smaller pieces and combine with the unsalted butter.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler, in very gentle and low heat. Once melted, slowly mix in the sugar.
Add the water in a thin stream and mix until combined.
Keep the chocolate sauce heated until the profiteroles have been assembled.

Assembling the Profiteroles

This is the last step in achieving your profiteroles. This is a generally fun activity with your friends and family.
Put the cream chantilly filling in a piping bag. Slightly open the caps of the profiteroles and pipe in the filling. Fill enough just until when you feel a slight resistance. Put the caps back on.
Do this for all the profiteroles until they all have fillings.
Use a spoon to coat the profiteroles with chocoalte sauce.

Arrange the profiteroles nicely on a plate. With some powdered sugar and some berries, you could make something look really professionally made. Enjoy! After making this recipe, you’ll surely be delighted to learn how to make chocolate fondue.

Watch The Video

How To Make Goat Cheese Profiteroles

How to Make Profiteroles

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How to Make an Olive Oil Lamp

How to Make an Olive Oil Lamp

Olive oil is a very useful product in the kitchen, but you can also use it as a fuel source. In ancient times, certain grades and varieties of olive oil were used to light up rooms and houses. If you want to go green and use an alternative fuel as a light source, here’s how you can make an olive oil lamp. (Want to know other uses for olive oil, read 13 practical uses for olive oil)

Why Use Olive Oil?

For thousands of years, people have used olive oil as a way to flavor food, but also as a source of light and heat. Among Jews, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Muslims, olive oil is considered sacred. It is used in many religious rituals and ceremonies as a fuel for lights, lamps, and lanterns. Olive oil has a very high flash point (190 degrees Celsius for virgin oil, and 210 degrees Celsius for refined oil), which means it does not burn as easily as other vegetable-based oils. Olive oil is also odorless when burned, although you can add other aromatics like herbs to give the burning oil a pleasant scent.

While olive oil used for cooking may be used for lamps, certain grades of oil may be used for lighting purposes:
Lampanate oils are a grade of olive oil used exclusively for burning. Lampanate oils are not fit for cooking or human consumption.
Aged oils. Old batches of olive oil can be used for some recipes in the kitchen, but they’re a cheaper source of fuel for oil lamps than extra virgin olive oil. Aged oils also have a higher smoke point.
Rancid oils. Instead of throwing away rancid batches of olive oil, you can still use it as a fuel for olive oil lamps. The fuel itself may smell bad, but the burning oil will not release any unpleasant smell.
Things You’ll Need

To make an olive oil lamp, you need the following tools and materials:
Glass jar
Craft wire (the length must be at least twice the height of the jar)
Wick (you can buy wicks from an arts-and-crafts supply store, or you can make an improvised wick from scraps and strips of long-weave cotton cloth)
Long-nosed pliers
Olive oil

To make an olive oil lamp, follow these steps:
To make the wick holder, make a J-shape from the craft wire. Shape the wire so that you have a flat base for the wire to rest, a small hook at the end to hold the wick, and a larger hook at the other end to prop and secure it to the rim of the jar. The hook for the wick should be at least an inch high from the bottom of the jar.
Thread one end of a wick or other wicking material into the coil. At least a quarter inch of the wick must be above the surface of the oil when you fill the jar. That way, you don’t risk burning the oil or smothering the flame.
Fill the jar with olive oil, making sure that you leave enough room for the exposed quarter inch of the wick.
Allow the wick to absorb as much of the oil as it can before lighting it.

If you want a scented olive oil lamp, try adding some aromatic flowers and herbs to the oil. Remember that once you have used a batch of olive oil for lighting or fuel, you shouldn’t use the same batch for cooking or flavoring your food.

Watch The Video

Bushcraft Oil Lamp

Go Green and Burn Olive Oil in Oil Lamps

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Make a Pop Up Book

How to Make a Pop Up Book

Any child is familiar with pop up books, and most even find these enticing than regular storybooks. For them, pop up books make them feel as if the characters in the story are “alive”. They also appear more enjoyable to read. If you want to know how to make a lovely little pop up book for your child, then here’s a guide to help you out.
8.5″ x 11″ standard or construction paper
9″ x 12″ construction paper
Coloring materials (colored markers, crayons, pastel color or paint)
Old magazines (More tips on how to get rid of old magazines)


Determine what story you’re going to use for your pop-up book Is it your own concept or is it an adaptation of an existing fairytale (such as Snow white, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella)? This will let you know how much pop up characters you’ll have to make and how many pages the book will be. Write a short summary of the story as well. (For ideas see Top Ten famous children’s bedtime stories)
Make the book cover using a 9″ x 12″ construction paper. Fold it in half, then use the coloring materials to draw directly on it. You can also cut out pictures from a magazine then paste them on the front and back cover. If you want, turn to the back cover’s inside flap and write a short “about the author” section. Draw or paste a photo of the child.
On an 8.5″ x 11″ paper, draw the background for your book. You can use coloring materials and art items, such as glitter, to decorate it. Add the text if you want.
Make the tabs on the background page. Go to the undecorated side, and measure up to the 3 1/2″ to 4 1/2″ mark. From the fold, make a one inch line at each mark, using a pencil. Cut each line with scissors.

Open the folded paper, then press the created tab gently, so the fold is nor on the inside. Afterwards, close the paper. When you open it, there’s now a tab in the page’s center that pops up.
On another paper, make shapes, pictures or illustrations of the characters or story components you want to pop up. Cut them out, then fix to the tab using glue. Let the glue dry.
Glue the pop up page in the cover, but leave the back cover unglued if you have an author page.
If you want to have more book chapters, create more single pages, then attach them together one by one in proper sequence. The first page’s front half must be glued to the inside main cover, while the second page’s front half to the second half of the first page, and so on.

Pop up books are definitely a wonderful gift for an child. Turn ordinary art materials into a wonderful masterpiece with these easy steps. Everyone will surely enjoy the lovely books you make.

Watch The Video

How to Make a 3D Pop-Up Card or Book

How to Make a very simple Pop-Up Book

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Make a Drum

How to Make a Drum

Drummers will not trouble themselves on how to make drums since no makeshift drum set would ever come close to the sound quality produced by its manufactured counterparts. The challenge is, teaching your kid how to play the drums. A real set of drums will probably confuse your kid, which will lead to the gradual loss of interest. You can create something similar but much simpler just to develop the rhythm, timing and the interest of your kid.

Drum Details

Homemade drums are sometimes viewed as single-sounding toy instruments. You can actually create distinct or multiple sounds by tweaking some of the drum’s details. Here are the factors that you should be aware of, before creating your own makeshift drum set:
Drum Material – Tin cans are the favorites for this department but you can also use other containers made from ceramics, wood, and even tubing. Each of those materials have different properties, which means they produce different sounds when struck. Having several drums made from various materials gives your kid some diversity in playing.
Drumhead – The drumhead is the surface struck by drummers to produce sounds. Wrap a piece of paper or a thin fabric around the drumhead. By doing so, you are adding more treble and lowering the bass of the instrument. You can also stretch the lids of tin cans to create different pitches.
Drumsticks – Normally, a couple of dowels or chopsticks will do as makeshift drumsticks. You can add more dimension to the sound by affixing small materials like beads or bearings to the sticks. Experiment with the small materials until you find the most suitable add-ons for your kid’s playing style.

Types of Homemade Drums
Basic Tin Can Drum
Frame Drum with Paper Wrapping
Canister Drum with Yarn-Wrapped Sticks
Ceramic Drum
Wooden Box Drum
Dual-Pitched Drum

Basic Tin Can Drum

The basic tin can drum is the simplest among all of your possible creations. Tin, when banged with a couple of wooden pegs, sounds more robust than any of the other homemade drum types. It is a necessity for any homemade drum set.

Materials Used:
large milk can
two pencils or chopsticks

Decide on a cool color pattern for your drum.
Paint the patterns on the milk can. Use paint that has a thin consistency, so it will not affect the sound produced by the milk can. You can also wrap the can with paper that has nice designs or illustrations.
When the paint dries, get two pencils or chopsticks and start banging on your neat creation.

Ideally, the can’s bottom is the drum’s playing surface. You can also strike the lid if you want to create treble-heavy beats.

Frame Drum with Paper Wrapping

The frame drum comes as a nice supporting instrument to the basic tin drum. Its paper-covered drumhead sounds like an improvised snare drum. Hear the way both drums sound when played in conjunction and you might find yourself playing with the instruments for hours.

Materials Used:
milk can
8 sheets of parchment paper (big enough to cover the lid of the milk can)
can opener
rubber bands
wood glue
2 wooden dowels
2 wooden or resin beads

Position the milk can over a sheet of parchment paper.
Trace the milk can’s circumference using your marker.
Mark one-inch beyond the circumference and make a circle using a compass.
Cut the circle.
Repeat the same process for the seven remaining sheets of parchment paper.
Remove the can’s cover and use a can opener to remove the surrounding metal layers that carry the lid.
Apply glue on the parchment paper and the closed surface of the can.
Press the paper on the surface and sides, then secure it with several rubber bands.
Let the glue dry for 24 hours.
Drill a hole on each bead. Make sure that the hole is big enough to fit the dowel tip.
Apply glue inside the holes and the tips of the dowels.
Fit the dowels into the beads.

If you do not like the sound of tin, you can change the drum’s frame. Good alternative materials for this drum are ceramics, wood and hard plastic. Just follow the same processes when using other frames.

Canister Drum with Yarn-Wrapped Sticks

The problem with tin drums is the level of noise that emits. Make the contraption more friendly to your ears by wrapping the drumhead with paper and the drumsticks with yarn. Your kid can strike the toy as hard as he pleases, without disturbing you or your neighbors.

Materials Used:
oatmeal canister
bond paper
rubber bands
2 unsharpened pencils
acetate cloth (optional)

Paint designs on the sides of an oatmeal canister. You can also wrap it with sketches or pictures from magazines.
When the paint dries, turn the can over and place one or two sheets of bond paper on the can’s bottom layer.
Glue the paper to the layer, then tie several rubber bands to the excess paper’s excess portions on the side of the can. If you are not satisfied with the sound of paper, you can replace it with acetate cloth.
Remove the can’s lid to create a richer sound.
Wrap the unsharpened pencils with yarn. Cover the entire pencil from eraser the down to its flat tip.
Tie a knot at the end of the pencil. Reinforce the yarn’s connection with glue, if necessary.

The canister drum is actually an alternative version of the frame drum. The primary difference is, you can control the noise better with this version. If you choose, you can also use the yarn-wrapped sticks on frame drums.

Ceramic Drum

Ceramic drums produce thinner sounds as compared to the other drum types. Its thick surface absorbs sound, which makes the drum a pretty silent contraption, given the standards of percussion instruments. You only need a sheer strip of paper to keep the noise level down.

Creating the ceramic drum is similar to the canister or the frame drum, only the drumsticks need not be wrapped with yarn. All you need to do is to find a small clay pot, paint it with designs, cover the drumhead one or two sheets of paper and you can let your kid have a go at the makeshift instrument. Make sure that the pot that you will select for the drum’s frame is durable enough to withstand continuous abuse from the drumsticks.

Wooden Box Drum

The wooden box drum is tricky to create, unless you’re adept at carpentry. This makeshift instrument is frequently used in acoustic setups, due to the variety of tones that it generates.

Materials Used:
4 planks of wood (6 x 8 inches)
12 finishing nails
mechanical drill
wood glue
coping saw

Draw the letters I, L, Z and H on the four planks. Make the letters large, leaving only an inch from the edges of the planks.
Use a mechanical drill to bore holes on the angles of each pattern.
Cut out the patterns using a coping saw. If you don’t have a coping saw, you can borrow from your neighbors or purchase one from a hardware store.
Position the planks to form a box.
Glue and nail the planks’ edges. Make sure that all the connections are secure.
With the frame ready, you can now paint patterns or go for the classic look by finishing with varnish.

Strike different portions of the box and you will hear tapping sounds with various pitches. Given its characteristics, the wooden box drum blends well with an acoustic guitar.

Dual-Pitched Drum

The dual-pitched drum is similar to the basic tin drum. The only difference is, its drumhead has a slightly bent region. The normal portion of the drumhead sounds like a basic tin drum, while the bent portion sounds a bit thinner and has a higher pitch.

To make a dual-pitched drumhead, you need to mark the region on the bottom surface of a tin can. Hammer the marked region with relatively weak force to avoid damaging the drumhead. When the drumhead has been created, you can follow the creation procedure of the basic tin drum.

Timeless Enjoyment from a Temporary Instrument

Your kid wouldn’t be stimulated to play, if the homemade drum doesn’t sound robust and bends rather easily. If you make the homemade drum with careful precision, it may become a part of your kid’s treasured memories when he grows up or establishes his name in the music industry.

Watch The Video

Making A “Quilted Maple” Stave Snare Drum

Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to Make a Dog House

How to Make a Dog House

Make your dog’s life more comfortable by making him a place of his own. Don’t let your dog lie anywhere to rest. Here are some steps you can follow to make a dog house.

Materials and Tools You’ll Need

Exterior plywood sheet
untreated board
Pressure treated board
A quarter of paint or wood stain
A box of 1-5/8″ galvanized nails
1 bundle of rook shingles
A tube of roof cement
Tape Measure
Drill and screw driver bit
Miter saw
Paint brush
Caulking gun
Base the size of your dog house on the measurements of your dog, like how tall and how wide your dog is. If your pet is still small, you might want to consider making an allowance so your dog has enough room when it grows.

Make the base of your doghouse using the pressure treated board.
Drill a couple of holes on the sides of the base. This will take care of the moisture from the ground. Put screens over the holes to prevent small animals, like rodents from going in the holes.
Make the floor using a half an inch thick of untreated plywood board. Use a solid wood to make the frame. Screw an untreated plywood board on the solid wood. Your floor should be about 6/8 inch thick.
Make the wall frames using studs. Have 2″ x 3″ studs for the sides and 2″x2″ studs for the front and back of the doghouse. Put these together with screws.
Assemble the side walls.Put the untreated plywood boards to the studs. Remember that your boards should be as long as your floor. Use 2″ screws to secure the boards.
Get another board that has the same length as the floor. Divide this board into 2. These pieces will be your front and back wall.
Mark the area of the board to show the angled peak of the doghouse. Cut through the line that you made.
Make the roof by measuring the length from the front to the back wall.
Get a ridge board and using your measurement, cut the board into 2.
Measure the angles for your rafters. Cut the rafters using a miter saw.
Secure the ridge board to the beams using screws.
Get the board for your front and back wall. Draw the doorway on your front board and cut.
Attach the boards to the studs and to the house.
Secure the roof.
Paint or stain your doghouse.
Wait until it dries completely before letting your dog in.
You can also put door flaps on the doorway.


When planning on the size of your doghouse, make sure that your dog has enough room to walk and stretch his body when he’s inside the doghouse.
Remember that the doghouse will keep your dog comfortable on cold months and on warm months. If you build the correct doghouse size, your dog will stay warm during cold months as he’d be able to generate enough heat to warm his house. On warm months, a spacey doghouse will let enough air in so your dog won’t get hot.
Ventilation is very important. You can make small holes on top of the walls so air can also come in from above.
Having a base is very important to prevent the doghouse from rotting quickly because of the damp ground.
Be careful of the materials you use. Treated boards contain chemicals that may be harmful to your pet. Pressure treated boards shouldn’t be used on areas that your dog may come in contact with, like the walls and floor. Only use pressure treated boards for your base. If you think that your dog may chew or scratch on the base, you can cover this with scrap untreated plywood sheets.
You can add cushion pads to make it more comfortable for your dog.
To extend the life of your doghouse, make sure that you clean it regularly.
Watch The Video

How to Build a Dog House

Top Billing How To: Dog Kennel

Friday, November 23, 2012

How to Build a Mouse Trap Car

How to Build a Mouse Trap Car


Toy cars can be a lot of fun to build, but most of them involve the use of some hard-to-come-by materials and tools that can be difficult to use. Not so for a mouse trap car though, as you can make one in as little time as a couple of hours. They are perfect for racers, as they are self-powered. Moreover, most mouse trap cars only cost a few dollars to build (as long as you have the necessary tools around your garage). So, if you want to build your own toy car, but have no idea where to begin, the mouse trap car may be perfect for you.

The Power behind the Design

mouse trap carMouse trap cars are so much fun because they come with their own power supply built right in – the mouse trap itself. Specifically the spring on the trap. By using a string to harness the power of the spring, you can easily drive the wheels of your mouse trap car. Almost all mouse trap cars use the same principal to operate, but the car described below was chosen for this guide because it is very easy to build. After making this car, you can try out your own designs using the same propulsion mechanisms outlined here. You can create almost any design you can imagine with a simple mouse trap and a few wheels.


You need the following materials to build your mouse trap car:
  • mouse trap (of course).
  • Two metal rods that are each 4 mm in diameter and 15 mm longer in length than the width of the mouse trap you are using for the car. These rods will act as the axles for the car.
  • Four eyehole screws that are barely large enough to put the metal rods through.
  • Plywood or any other type of thinly cut wood for the wheels.
  • Two rubber bands.
  • String.
  • Washers with an inner diameter of 4 mm.


While the materials for a mouse trap car are easy to come by, you may not have all of the a tools necessary. To build the car, you will need the following tools:
  • Drill with a 3.7 mm drill bit.
  • Jigsaw (a coping saw will also work).
  • Compass to make a template for the wheels.
  • Hammer.
  • Vice.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Wood file.
  • Wood glue or super glue.
  • Epoxy (the type of glue that comes in two parts which you mix together).
  • Plies.
  • A small Jeweler’s File.

Building The Body

To begin construction, you need to use your pliers to pull the wire that holds the mouse trap open out of the trap. Also remove the bait holder, as this part is not necessary. Keep the wire catch to the side though, you will use it later. Also pull out any staples that may have held the previously removed parts in place. When everything is removed, take the eye hooks and screw them into one end of the mouse trap approximately 8 mm from each edge. If the wood begins to split as you screw the eye screw in, simply drill a small hole first.

Wheel and Axle Assembly

You can make the wheels by using the compass to create four 75 mm circles on the plywood. The wheels can be larger or smaller if you choose, but 75 mm is a good size for relatively long distance runs. When the wheels have been sketched, cut along your freshly drawn line with a jigsaw and file them down along the edges so that they are nice and smooth. Then take the rods and place them in a vice. Cut them to exactly equal length and file the ends so that they are nice and smooth as well. Cut about half way through one of the rods with the hacksaw and use the jeweler’s file to widen the slot enough to allow the wire catch that was removed from the trap in an earlier step to fit into the groove snugly. Cut a 7 mm piece of the wire catch and file down the ends. Using the epoxy, glue the piece of wire into the slot on the axle so that the wire overhangs only on one side. Let the epoxy dry overnight.

Mounting the Wheels

When the glue is dry, place the axle with the wire at the rear of the mouse trap (where the jaws of the trap rest when the trap is set). Place the other axle through its respective eye holes screws. Add washers to the end of the axles so that the axles will not slide out. Drill a hole into the center of each of the wheels with your 3.7 mm drill bit and then slide the wheels onto each of the rods.

Mounting the Engine

Now for the actual power behind the mouse trap car. Take your string and tie it to the middle of the jaws of the mouse trap (the part which snaps down on the mouse). Tie a loop in the other end so that the loop is located exactly at the rear axle. Cut off any loose ends. Take the two rubber bands and place one around each of the rear wheels for extra traction. You can glue the rubber bands into place so they will not slide off.

Powering up the Car

To use the mouse trap car, simply raise the jaws of the trap slightly and take the looped end of the string and place in over the wire that was attached to the rear axle. Reverse the car to allow the string to wind around the axle and pull open the jaws of the trap. Release the car on the ground and it will speed away.
A mouse or two at home can be easily caught with a well-crafted mouse trap, but if you’ve swarms of them running around your feet, maybe you should try these techniques how to get rid of mice. Of course, you also want to get rid of those nasty gnats buzzing around your face, so check out these tricks on getting rid of gnats, to drive them away from your home as well.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How To Make School Projects

How To Make School Projects

Have you ever been to those science fairs where science whizzes get to showcase their talents? In these exhibits, they get to show what they have learned from their classes and science textbooks. These projects can come in the form of model rockets, dioramas or makeshift volcanoes.

Anyone can actually cheat his way into bagging the best project award since manufactured school projects are sold in hobby shops. Then again, a true blue whiz kid would rather use his skills and creativity to have an edge in any competition.

Due to the wide scope of science and art, there are many different projects that you will encounter as a student. Some will require a lot of experiments with various chemicals, while others are as simple as gluing together folded paper. Here are some of the most popular school projects that until now have continued to amaze a lot of professors and students alike.

Model Rocket

A model rocket is made of cardboard, paper and a miniature engine. The engine is set to propel the rocket upward as it hurtles to the farthest ends of the school halls. It is easy to create as all you need to do is to form the various sections of your rocket by folding cardboard and paper then gluing them together. Affix the engine and the parachute inside the rocket, then you’re all set. Just make sure that you reinforce the connections of each rocket component with masking tape so that your rocket will hold together when launched.

Paper Mache Volcano

The paper mache exterior of your volcano is a product of art, while the eruption is obviously a science experiment. You can construct this project by piling up newspaper strips, until you are able to create the rough exterior of your volcano. Inside the volcano, you will create a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and red food coloring to produce makeshift lava. Remember to complete the lava mixture only when the professor asks you to present your project since the eruption will happen in an instant, once the mixture is complete.


Among the projects tackled earlier, the diorama requires the greatest amount of creativity. You need to transform a simple shoe box and a pile of makeshift materials into a miniature version of a particular scene. The good part is, you can use absolutely anything as long as the items that you will use fit the shoe box. Use toy soldiers or small action figures to represent human activity. You can use your knowledge on paper mache to create environments like mountains and ridges. You can never run out of options when it comes to your miniature shoe box world.

Solar System

The makeshift solar system is the easiest project to conceptualize but the hardest to implement. This project will require a lot of hardwork since you have to make the planets stay upright and within their respective orbits. A nifty trick is to pierce each styrofoam planet with a barbecue stick below and a metal wire-based orbit on the side. Plant the barbecue sticks on a solid styrofoam base then affix those wooden rods to the metal wires so that the planets will stay upright.

Other Projects

There are other school projects where teachers ask their students to create random items such as lunch boxes, silly goo and rubber band guns. These items are very easy to create.
For lunch boxes, you will just need to sew together fabric and zippers until you form the lunch box. A sewing thread, needle, fabric and a few zippers are the only things you will need to create your lunch box.
For the rubber band gun, you will need to shape two wooden pegs then put them together. Add a clothespin and a box of rubber bands to the mix, then you can fire away at your classmates.
Silly goo is probably among the simplest projects that you can make. You just have to mix starch, glue and water then wait for the three ingredients to settle. You can even repeat the entire process without wasting the ingredients if you made a mistake when mixing the ingredients.

School projects are fun ways to see how you can apply what you have learned in class. Call yourself an academic genius or the ultimate whiz kid, but your claims will only hold true once you have created an exceptional school project. Let’s face it, books and lectures are merely words.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How to Build a Catapult

How to Build a Catapult

Things You Will Need to Build a Catapult

If you are planning to construct your very own catapult, you initially need the following materials:
  • 3 pieces of sticks or wood approximately 10-12 inches (you can use longer ones if you desire to make a bigger one)
  • 8 pieces of sticks or wood approximately 5-6 inches (Note: just make sure that these pieces of wood are half the length of the 3 longer pieces.) 2 of these sticks ought to be cut at the edge at an angle creating a roof like shape (that’s about 45 degrees)
  • Pieces of screw or nails (or even thumbtacks)
  • A bottle of strong glue or glue gun with glue sticks
  • 1 tough stretchable piece of rubber (much like the ones that are used for slingshots)
  • 2 hooks of about a centimeter in size (the ones that look like question marks)
  • 1 slim metal pole (this one should be of the same length as the smaller pieces of wood)
  • a small container or basket (which will serve as the container of the projectile you want to launch)

Making the Catapult

If you have all of the stuff mentioned above, you can now start assembling the pieces of sticks or wood by following these simple guidelines:
catapultStart assembling the frame of the catapult.

The Two Sides of the Catapult

Place one of the longer pieces on its side
At this point, screw and glue (you can choose between screws, nails or thumbtacks) one of the sticks with a 45 degree cut at the end of the longer stick. The 45 degree angle cut should be placed in line with the first long stick. This should look triangular, forming a 45 degree angle towards the longer stick
Now, connect one of the uncut sticks to the long stick and the 45-degree-cut stick. The end of this stick should be placed squarely with the long stick so that it can stand. This would now form some thing like a letter “A” on its side.
Next, make another one like this using the same kinds of sticks stated above.
These would be the two sides of the catapult.

The Frame of the Catapult

Next, connect these two sides. (Note: the 45-degree-cut sticks should be placed in the inside). You may begin this by screwing and gluing a piece of the shorter sticks on each of the ends of the long sticks, thus connecting them. You can secure and fasten it by using glue, screws, nails or thumbtacks. Then connect the two 45-degree-cut sticks by placing and fastening a piece of wood on top of them. Then, connect and fasten the two pieces of sticks which are upright by also screwing and gluing the last piece of the shorter sticks to both sticks.
Now, you are finished with making the frame of your catapult.

Making the Launcher of the Catapult

This time, you are ready to make the launcher of your catapult.
Start by making a hole on the end of the last piece of the long sticks. This hole should be about 3 inches from the end (same measurement as to the distance of the two upright sticks from where they are attached to the closer or nearer end of the base sticks). The hole should be a tad bigger than the metal pole.
Now, fasten one of the hooks to the other end of this long stick (about 2 inches from the end of this stick).
Afterwards, glue your container or basket to the end of the stick (right before the hook).
At this point, you should attach the launcher of the catapult to its frame. To do this, you just need to insert the metal pole into the hole you made before the launcher. Next, connect the metal pole to the two upright sticks (you can wriggle it a bit into the upright stick so it attaches itself better or taping it would also help so that it will not wobble).
Finally, just attach another hooks on the base (to the opposite of the launcher), and it should be aligned to the other hook.

Launching an Object using your Catapult

To launch something using your catapult, just tie the rubber to the base hook, stretch it, attach it to the other hook, and let go!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Build a Solar Oven

How to Build a Solar Oven


What often comes to mind when you think of solar power? You may think of massive arrays of solar panels that are used to harness the energy from the sun. You could think of solar powered cars which are loaded with batteries and solar panels to power them (Learn how to choose a green car). But did you know that you can take solar energy, the energy from the sun, and use it to make your own solar oven that can actually cook food? Yes, you do not have to be a scientist to take advantage of the sun’s rays in your own backyard. All you need is a little ingenuity and a few simple materials.

How it Works

Because the sun is an amazing producer of heat for our planet, all you have to do to harness it is to build a simple device that will amplify the sun’s heat exactly where you want it to. This is the principal behind the solar oven – creating a device that will direct the heat from the sun’s rays to a specific machine. The machine or the solar oven in this case, can then cook a variety of foods at a temperature of around 200 degrees Fahrenheit depending on your location. Sure, the solar oven will not cook as hot or as fast as a regular oven, but it is far less expensive and perfect for outdoor lunchtime meals.


All you need for your solar oven is a pizza box, plastic wrap, aluminum foil (For other uses of aluminum foil, read 30 uncommon uses for aluminum foil), black construction paper, and tape or glue. You will also need a knife to cut a hole in the box and a stick to prop open the door on your solar oven.

Cutting the Lid

The first thing you need to do when building your solar oven is to cut a hole into the lid of the pizza box. Cut around three edges so that the lid can flap open, leaving about one inch of space around each edge. Do not cut the lid out completely. If you make a mistake though, and you did completely remove the lid, you can always tape one edge back to the box with heavy duty tape like duct tape. Also, since you are working with a sharp knife, always remember to cut away from you instead of towards you.

Building the Reflector

Once you have made your cuts, fold the flap out so that it can stand up on its own. You may need to use the stick to secure it in its position. Use your tape or glue and your aluminum foil to completely cover the inside of the lid (the part that is enclosed by the box when the lid is closed) with aluminum foil. This aluminum foil will reflect the sun’s rays into the box.

Make a Window

Now take your plastic wrap and create a window over the hole you cut in the box. Open the pizza box and flip it over so that you can look out through the hole. Lay your plastic wrap over the hold and tape it down so that it is nice and sturdy. Use the tape or glue generously so that no dirt or dust will be able to get into the box through this hole.

Heating Things Up

With the box still open, take your aluminum foil and line the inside of the box with it. You do not have to use tape, but make sure that the aluminum foil is securely placed for the best results. Now cover the aluminum foil with black construction paper, which will absorb the heat that is produced in your box. The combination of the heat reflective aluminum foil and the heat absorbent construction paper will create an oven atmosphere in your solar oven.

Time to Cook

To use your solar oven all you have to do is take it to a sunny spot and open the lid. You will need to adjust the lid’s opening so that the sunlight is reflected off the lid and into the plastic window. Once you have determined the proper angle, you can use a stick, a rock or some other object to prop open the lid to the proper position.

Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Make Soap

How to Make Soap

How to Make Soap
Making your own soap can be fun. Here are some basics of the process to help you get started.

Pulling Together your Ingredients and Tools

You will need powdered lye, a sturdy plastic or glass bowl that will hold a couple of gallons, a large stainless steel pot, and any scenting agents that you may want to add to the soap, such as flowers or perfumes. You also will need several oils for this recipe. Make sure you have olive oil, coconut oil, and vegetable shortening. Finally, you will need a soap mold so that you can prepare the individual bars of soap. If you plan to make the soap inside, work near a fan or an open window. Your best bet is to make the soap in the open air.

Combining the Lye and the Water

The most important thing to remember is that you do not dump the two main ingredients together. Instead, gradually pour about twelve ounces of the powdered lye into thirty-two ounces of warm water. Continually stir as you pour in the lye. The idea is to keep the mixture smooth, with not clumps or cakes as you work in the lye. Once you have the lye and warm water combined, set the bowl aside and allow the lye and water to cool to room temperature.

Combining the Oils And Shortening

Using the stainless steel pot, melt about thirty-eight ounces of vegetable shortening, adding in twenty-four ounces of coconut oil. Once the mixture is completely mixed and melted, add in twenty-five ounces of olive oil. Once the olive oil is blended into the mix, add any perfumes or scents that you have for the soap. After all the oils, shortening and scents have blended, allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.

Mixing the Two Liquids Together

Once both mixtures have cooled, it is time to combine them into the stainless steel pot. Stir in the lye and water mixture into the oils, making sure the combined mix is free of any lumps. If you come across any bubbles as you combine the ingredients, keep stirring. The mix will not be ready to use until there are no bubbles appearing on the surface.
To make sure the mix is ready for any more additives or for pouring into the mold, take the spoon and drizzle a little of the mixture back into the pot. If it settles on top for a moment before sinking, then the soap is coming along fine. Now, you can add any coloring, flowers or grains and work them into the mix.

The Final Stages

Pour the soap into the molds, which you should have previously greased with some vegetable shortening. Wrap the molds in clean towels and set them aside for eighteen hours. Make sure the molds are out of direct sunlight, and kept at room temperature. During the eighteen hours, the mixture will alternately heat up and cool down, as the lye interacts with the oils to solidify the mixture. At the end of the eighteen hours, open one end of the towel and check the texture of one of the bars. If it is solid, then the soap is ready. If not, replace the towel cover and let it set for another six to eight hours.
When the bars of soap are firm, remove them from the mold and wrap them in butcher paper until you are ready to use them.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

How to Build a Robot

How to Build a Robot
How to Build a Robot
Building a robot seems like a lot of fun – until you see how much even the smallest of robots may cost to build. We are talking of two hundred to four hundred dollars for just a tiny (but functional) robot. But what if you do not have that kind of money to spend? Well, with this tutorial you can build your own car-like robot for well under fifty dollars. This robot can drive in all different directions, respond to light, and will surely impress your friends.


You will need lots of parts for your robot, including these necessary parts: Two Hitec HS-311 servos, a 5 volt linear regulator, an ATmega8 AVR, a 28 pin DIP socket, a 220uF+ electrolytic capacitor, two 0.1uF ceramic capacitors, two 36 position breakaway male headers, five 340 ohm resistors, five 1.62K ohm resistors, an LED, five CdS Photoresistors, and a grid type PC board with 356 holes. Furthermore, you may also need a 4 AA battery holder, an on and off switch, a 9 volt battery, a 6v 1400 mAh nickel metal hydride battery, an AVR STK serial port dongle programmer, and an AVR ISP2 programmer. Note that the latter parts are not necessary required, simply optional.

Other Materials

As for non-electronic materials, you will need many wires and screws, four 1.5 volt batteries, cardboard, a water bottle, popsicle sticks, duct tape, a computer (with a serial port or a USB to serial port adaptor), scissors, a soldering iron, solder, and safety goggles for protection from flying debris.

Building the Chassis

Once you have all of your materials together you can begin to build the chassis of your robot. Start by making some wheels out of your cardboard. They should be roughly six inches in diameter, but the size does not totally matter. Cut them out with a sharp knife and remove any burrs that may have been left on.

Modifying the Servos

Now you must modify your servos so that your robot can drive. Unscrew the long screws mounted on the corners of the servo and open up the servo to reveal its inner workings. Pull off the largest gear to find the pot, a small screw like object. Plug in your servo’s controller and set it to zero degrees. Rotate the pot to make the gears stop rotating. Glue the pot so that it remains in place. Next, find the stop on the main gear. Remove it. Finally remove the slot from the inside of the gear that was attached to the pot and reassemble everything just as you found it.

Building the Chassis, Part 2

After you have modified your servo, remove the screw that connects the motor to the small wheel. Cut a small hole in the center of your wheel and stick the freshly removed screw through it. Now attach your servo mounts to the underside of your servos and take a firm piece of plastic or cardboard (size 3 inches by 6 inches) and mount the servos to it via the screws that came with the servos. Make sure that the wheel section will overhang on the short side of the platform. Then place some tape on your servo wheels, stick your cardboard wheels to the servo, and tighten the screw.

Creating the Castor

To make the front of your robot, take a small water bottle and cut the top part off of it so that the bottle is roughly the same width all the way down. Place the bottle on top of your robot between the servos and use rubber bands to secure it to the robot’s chassis.


Now for the difficult part – the electronics. Take your NiMH battery pack and mount it on your robot’s chassis with tape or Velcro. You can also use a battery pack with AA batteries for the same amount of power. Use the schematic located here: to properly solder and connect all of your components to your PC board in a working fashion. If you do not know how to properly solder, you should find someone who does. Those with a working knowledge of electrical components will greatly be able to help you get the electronics right on your robot. Finally plug in the battery, servos, photoresistor, and serial cable into the PC board and stick the board into the bottle at the front of the robot. Tape down any loose wires that may get in your robot’s way.


You will need to download some software if you want to program your robot. Don’t worry – the software is totally free of charge, but you will need a Windows computer in order to run the programs. You need WinAVR, PonyProg2000 and AVR Studio. Read the manuals for both programs so that you can familiarize yourself with how they work. If you have no idea how to program your robot, simply download this file that the guys at Society of Robots worked so hard to create:, as it is necessary to program your robot. You can use this code with the AVR Studio program. Now connect your robot to your computer and fire up PonyProg2000. Locate which port your robot is connected to, select it in PonyProg2000 and select Write All from the Command menu to write the program to your robot. It should take somewhere between thirty minutes and an hour. And that’s that – your robot should be fully functional.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to Build a Fountain

How to Build a Fountain

How to Build a Fountain
There are several choices when it comes to constructing fountains. From small to large, all fountains have the same purpose and need basically the same materials. To create a fountain you will need: a tubing, a water pump, and a few basic tools. Fountains are fairly easy to build and do not require much skill.
As with many things you build, you will need to find a suitable location for the fountain. There needs to be a power source nearby to support the water pump. For a simple fountain, you will need two flower pots. The pots can be arranged in many ways but the most common is one tipping over on the lower pot to create a waterfall effect. The water pump will need to be placed in the reservoir pot and connected to a heavy material with twine or a rubber band. To create a custom filter for the pump, simply cover the pump with mesh, pantyhose will work fine.
Next you will need to connect the tubing with the water pump and have the tubing come through the reservoir and into some chicken wire. This wire will act as the reservoirs lid so that you can load any decorative stones to the top of the fountain. Cover up the water pump with flowers or any other materials you think would look good with the fountain.
Now you need to dig the second pots base. Have the tubing run through the pots drain hole and have it sealed with a type of rubber fill or putty. To cover the appearance of the tubing, pebbles can do the job, if placed correctly. Once all of the pots are set up, fill up your reservoir and make sure the pot has water in it before you turn on the water pump. Now all you have to do is make sure all of the rocks and pebbles are placed correctly so the fountain does not end up overflowing.

Friday, November 16, 2012

How to Make Pineapple Candy

How to Make Pineapple Candy

1 pineapple (moderate size)
4 cups sugar

chopping board
measuring cup
solar drier
cellophane/plastic bags
sieve tray

Peel the pineapple, remove eyes, core and wash.
Slice into cubes.
Prepare the syrup, 2 parts sugar to 1 part water.
Boil the pineapple in the syrup for 20 minutes.
Soak in syrup overnight.
Strain and wash well in water.
Dry in solar drier for 16-20 hours.
Let cool.
Roll over sugar and wrap in cellophane.
Put in plastic bags; seal open end of bag with the flame of a candle.

source:, photo from
Posted by EPa in Food Processing

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to Make a Solar Dryer

How to Make a Solar Dryer

One of the most important phases in root crop chip processing is the drying stage. Proper drying assures appropriate moisture content.

The most common method used is direct sun-drying. Here, the chips are directly exposed to the sun but also dust and dirt, especially if placed on streetsides. Since marketing standards are strict regarding the moisture content, color and presence of foreign matter in the chips, sun-drying is really not that efficient. Besides, direct sun-drying is wholly dependent upon the weather; thus when rain comes, the chips must be gathered before they are completed dry, then set again when the rain drops.

The use of solar dryers in the drying stage is one answer to the limitations of direct sun-drying. Products in solar dryer are safe

from foreign particles such as dust and germs. The product’s taste and color are also better since drying is done under controlled conditions. The use of solar dryers requires a shorter period of time and less space. Moreover, the desired moisture content is easily achieved.

Solar dryers can be used in the processing of dried fruit like pineapple, papaya, mango and citrus. Meat and fish, seafoods and garlic can also be dried here.

Assemble the dryer’s frame as shown in the illustration above using the materials previously prepared and set to the right sizes. Paint the assembled frame with flat black paint. Cover the frame’s surface, front and back sides with plastic. Leave openings on the lower part at the front and on the upper part at the back

then cover with the screen. Place a plastic curtain on the inside, behind the screen of the back opening.
Cover the base of the frame with GI sheet with 13 holes measuring 2″ in diameter set according to the illustration above. Paint both sides of the GI sheet with flat black paint. Attach the set of wheels on the four bottom corners.

Build eight doors, four for each side, and cover with plastic. Attach the door to each side using the 16 pieces of hinges.

Drying comes fast and easy with solar dryer. Drying is facilitated because solar dryers are specially designed for such purpose. The sun’s heat passes through the plastic covers. The air that comes in through the openings at the bottom and
Download full manual with diagram here
by EPa in Other-Agri